A Quest for Clarity

iRF Solutions stood at a crossroads. A restructuring required a new name, logo, and website. Under an old name, they had a rich legacy and strong reputation. Under their new name, no one knew who they were.

At a Loss for Words

As we met with their leadership team, their conversation was heavy on who they had been, and light on who they were becoming. They could tell us who they weren’t—“We aren’t just a vendor”—but they struggled to articulate their new identity.

For weeks we asked questions and listened hard. One piece at a time, often in passing comments, the identity of today’s iRF Solutions emerged: They were skilled engineers; they loved collaboration and customization; problem-solving was their adrenaline; their reach was global; and they had an new modular design process to unveil. Once we got that, the website’s architecture, words, and design came together.

Clarity = Customers

iRF’s new message described a company of seasoned professionals (legacy!) with a deep understanding of the signal intelligence sector and the agility to respond to ever-changing customer needs. That clarity was a byproduct of working through a website revamp. Because it’s now clear who they are and what they offer, they’re attracting the right customers to their site.

iRF's new home page highlights their customizable, modular design capabilities. A timeline pays homage to iRF's rich legacy.

Let Us Help

If you feel your identity is getting muddled—or if you’re not attracting the right kinds of clients—call on us. We’ll help you bring clarity to your marketing strategy.